Minggu, 11 November 2018

Tutorial How to Use Oposoft Video Editor

While doing the teaching-learning activity, the teachers need a learning media. One of the media used is a video editor. The video editor is an application for cutting, splitting, and combining videos. Using this application the teacher can choose which part that show to the students, here is a brief tutorial about how to use of the video editor application.

Sabtu, 03 November 2018

Reading Skill

The Importance of Reading Skill in Learning English for Students 

Nowadays, everyone can to read every text, but not in English. Every school requires students to be able to read a text in English. But in reality, the current curriculum of learning English has been abolished at the Elementary School. This implication has an impact for the students when they step on Junior and Senior High School, they will have difficulties in fluency reading and comprehension of the text. Thus, it will be explained 3 important things of reading skill for students.