Sabtu, 03 November 2018

Reading Skill

The Importance of Reading Skill in Learning English for Students 

Nowadays, everyone can to read every text, but not in English. Every school requires students to be able to read a text in English. But in reality, the current curriculum of learning English has been abolished at the Elementary School. This implication has an impact for the students when they step on Junior and Senior High School, they will have difficulties in fluency reading and comprehension of the text. Thus, it will be explained 3 important things of reading skill for students.

The first is reading has one of the exercises of the brain. According to the scientists, though, one of the best ways that human can exercise their brain is reading. When reading a text, we must comprehend it and memorize the information. For students, the reading is not only for the exercise of the brain but also are needed. The student must be able to read a text in English and understand what they are reading. This is will influence later on the final results of student learning because in learning English the students more read than hear. For example during exams, the students are required to read the questions, what will happen if they cannot read and understand it well? Surely their mark will be bad. It can be concluded that reading skill is not only as an exercise of the brain but also a necessity for students.
Next, reading can improve students' vocabularies. It's no secret again that reading can improve vocabulary. Every reading, the student will get unfamiliar vocabulary in English text. The vocabularies must be remembered and must be found the meaning. This action taken by the students can add their vocabulary and will affect the spellings, pronunciations, and writing skills because they will see the word and know the spelling so you can imagine that more they read, more vocabulary they will get. Indeed, by reading, the students can improve their vocabulary and writing skill as well.
The last, reading is getting the knowledge. Reading is a complex "cognitive process" of decoding in-order symbols to construct on derivative meaning. As we know, when people want to get some information or knowledge, they will read texts, articles, journals, and books. As well as students, they are required to read the English textbooks that they have before starting learning English activities. It can imagine what will happen if students cannot read well, so the information process will fail, and there is a misunderstanding when they get information or knowledge from what they read. When they can read well, it can imagine how much information or knowledge will be obtained by students. Finally, reading is important for students to enhance their knowledge.
To sum up, reading skills are important and are needed by the students for their education. The important things of reading skills are doing the exercising of the brain, improving vocabulary and getting knowledge. Rather the current curriculum of learning English has not been abolished at the Elementary School, so the students do not get shocked when they read an English text in Junior and Senior high school.

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